Isn’t it the song Killer Queen that has line about mohair suits? I would love to have one. Kid mohair is the prince of fibers: strong, resilient, 4x warmer than wool, etc.

What is that gentleman in the wool swimsuit holding? It resembles a cross between a shark piñata and a boogie board.

Here are my guesses:

1. Personal flotation device with the extra added benefit of having a target on the bottom. Easy way to get rid of weird old Uncle Fflloyd, as sharks cannot resist tacky targets.

2. Wildlife deterrent as groups of men in wool could wave them at whatever fauna approached. Similar to synchronized swimming.

3. Personal protection device used to smack those littering, playing the lothario, and the odd seal or otter.

What do you think?

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I don't know that one but don't Benny and the Jets have mohair suits to go with their electric boots? I think I read it in a magazine…

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I had forgotten Sir Elton’s song. Great catch!

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